05.09 - 03.10.2022
Avenuel Arthall
Seoul (KR)
Currated by Sinae Yoo
Group show with Gijeong Goo, Dew Kim, Ram Han, Sungsil Ryu, YBDG, Sungjin Jung, and Jihyoung Han.
The group exhibition Tamebow featured works by artists exploring themes related to online personalities and the digital age. Terre à Terre is a large format mesh print, a sprawling collage of over 1,400 elements- heavily manipulated fragments of imagery from various eras, sourced from the web and various archives. The title refers to the dance term of the same name, meaning performing with the feet close to the ground- suggesting the forms are a snapshot of an apparition in motion, a ghostly --digital-- trail of ballet movements, a cache unveiled.
“In the digital era, displaying and revealing oneself has become an elusive virtue - the moral imperatives and pressures that exist unseen throughout society encourage people to pursue a path of self-exploitation and endless self-embellishment.”
- Sinae Yoo (press release excerpt)
Terre à Terre - 10 x 1 meter print on mesh
Lone En Masse - 103.5 x 133. cm, three panels, prints on aluminum
photos: MEEK, 2022